Cabin Firearms has teamed up with Blue Devil Tactical Associates LLC for firearm training opportunities. The following is a schedule of upcoming firearm classes:
Level 1 - Basic Handgun Safety Course for CCW - $150.00 & CCW Range Qualification - $150.00. Training is limited to 8 students per class.
Level 2 - Concealed Carry Weapon Holster Course & Range Qualifications - $300.00. Training is limited to 8 students per class.
Ladies Night - Basic Handgun Safety Course and Range - $250.00.
Please call or email for training schedule and application.
Sales, Transfer, and Consignment Services
Firearm Transfer information
Transfers 29.00 + 16.00 for NICS National Instant criminal Background Check System.
We will be happy to help you sell your firearm. We will help you determine a fair market value for your handgun or long gun. Once the price is determined, the firearm will be advertised and displayed on our site.
When your firearm has sold, you’ll receive your money! Cabin Firearms offers this service for just a small percentage of the selling price and auctions fee's if applicable.
Please be aware
If you no longer wish to consign your firearm(s) and you would like it returned you will need to comply with New Jersey regulatory provisions for a transfer of handguns, rifles and shot guns. We will gladly answer any questions you may have concerning this process.
Have Additional Questions About Our Services?
Contact us below and we’ll be in touch with you ASAP.